Premature ejaculation: causes, symptoms and treatment
Premature ejaculation is a problem that affects many men. It occurs when you ejaculate earlier than desired, either by him or by your partner, when you have sex. Statistics vary, but 1 in 3 men say they have experienced this problem at some point.
When it occurs infrequently it should not be a cause for alarm, however, it could be a problem when:
- You always, or almost always, ejaculate in less than a minute after penetration.
- You are never, or almost never, able to delay ejaculation when you have sex.
- You feel distressed and frustrated and so you tend to avoid sex.
There are factors that can influence premature ejaculation . These can be psychological or biological. The truth is that this is a more common condition than you might think and there is no reason to be ashamed, as it has treatment and can be corrected.
Symptoms of premature ejaculation
The main symptom or characteristic of premature ejaculation is the inability to delay ejaculation for more than a minute after penetration or even during masturbation.
Many men believe they have premature ejaculation but the symptoms do not meet the diagnostic criteria for premature ejaculation . In many of these cases, these men can present naturally variable premature ejaculation, that is, periods of rapid ejaculation and normal ejaculation.
Causes of premature ejaculation
The exact causes of premature ejaculation are not known . However, it is known that this is due to a complex interaction of psychological and biological factors.
Psychological factors include:
- Early sexual experiences
- Sexual abuse
- Body image problems
- Depression
- Premature ejaculation concern
- Feelings of guilt that increase the tendency to rush during sexual encounters.
On the other hand, there are more factors that can influence and these are:
- Erectile dysfunction
- Anxiety
- Relationship problems
- Stress
Lastly, there are biological factors that can cause premature ejaculation such as:
- Abnormal hormone levels
- Abnormal neurotransmitter levels
- Inflammation and infection of the prostate or urethra
- Hereditary traits
Treatment for premature ejaculation
Treatment to treat premature ejaculation includes medications, counseling, and sexual techniques that delay ejaculation. It can also be a combination of these elements.
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